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A Marxist “Equity-Based” Justice Directly And Fundamentally Subverts Our U.S. Constitution

"Agencies shall comprehensively use
their respective civil rights authorities
and offices to prevent and address
discrimination and advance equity for all,
including to increase the effects of civil
rights enforcement and to increase public
awareness of civil rights principles,
consistent with applicable law."

- The White House

As Mailed

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

A Marxist “Equity-Based” Justice Directly And Fundamentally Subverts Our U.S. Constitution

As the consequences of the above Presidential Executive Order (effectively equivalent to mandating new “Jim Crow”-like segregation of Americans into “double protected with equity” and “unprotected with no equity at all” disjoint camps), the directly implied “American Gulag of leftovers” can be categorized only as a Clintonian-base for “forced deprogramming” of masses of Americans. Or something described just as well by the CCP’s “vocational education and training centers [the Xinjiang internment camps].”

“Even in the segregated South where I grew up, individuals were not the sum of their skin color,” [U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas wrote. “While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination,” he added, “I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: that all men are created equal, are equal citizens, and must be treated equally before the law.”

Affidavit On Institutionalized Child Abuse (Forced Parental Alienation)

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

Manifestly disregarding the best interest of the children, [Family Court] decided to stereotypically fault Father (despite the meticulously filed prior evidence) when the GALs unambiguously reported that “Mother-B either lacks affect or was bullied to abandon her twins.”

Therefore, in a systemic and sustained effort to deliberately silence and enslave Father, [Family Court] has repeatedly rejected his evidence, even regarding his supervised visitations (the 14 monitors never complained about his 500+ visits with his four children) by denying the sole trial exhibit about Father having to end the supervised visits to protect his crying children.

[Family Court] has resorted to deliberately and systemically violating Father’s constitutional rights only to prevent him from calling his Harvard Medical School psychiatrist witnesses.

Specifically, the preeminent Dr. Alexandra Harrison, MD, characterized Mother-B and Mother-C as “very dangerous borderlines, you have no idea what they are capable of.”

The “Fatherlessness” Epidemic In Our “LGBTQ+” Dystopia

My Dear Son,

I will always unconditionally love you, no matter what. That’s a baseline fact. And I will also help you, if needed, as much as I possibly can.

Frankly, I have a hard time understanding your seemingly confused but also very harsh words. Sadly, they have nothing to do with me as I effectively lost all connection with you since you were forcefully stolen from me with the most greedy and vicious lies on April 28, 2011 …

“You were born and taught with malicious manners and you had tried to teach me when you were younger” – a 19 year old American “fatherless” man.