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A Marxist “Equity-Based” Justice Directly And Fundamentally Subverts Our Constitution

“We also have a Federal government
that pays single women more NOT to
have a man in the house than to have
a man in the house, contributing to
an epidemic of fatherlessness.”
- Vivek Ramaswamy

As Emailed

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

A Marxist “Equity-Based” Justice Directly And Fundamentally Subverts Our Constitution

The Family Court continues to reject my evidence and witnesses while actively inducing the “Regarding Mr. Kifor’s forthcoming nature, Probation questions his authenticity and desire to secure employment” baseless stereotypical claims. The meticulously documented “conspiracy to silence and enslave” started in 2018 when I was forced into intractable indigency and total isolation. From my house arrest, I wrote:

Thank you, [Dear Daughter].

I very much appreciate your help … I already showed you that mental health and chess are very much interrelated. Here it is again: “Chess kept Russian human rights activist Natan Sharansky sane throughout his imprisonment by the Soviets, writes David Edmonds.”

"Natan Sharansky's jailers took that as
powerful evidence that he was going -
or had already become - quite mad. After
all, in his punishment cell there was no
bed, chair, or table, let alone a
chessboard and pieces. In fact, it was
chess that kept him sane.”

Don’t forget, I have been under house arrest for years now. And the Family Court finally admitted today that “the obsessive orders don’t work …”

Thank you. I love you both very much!


The only “utility” I can imagine for myself after all this senseless torturing and utter devastation by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is that I can now prove (through a Civil RICO class action lawsuit, see draft attached) that the fatherlessness crisis is part of a Marxist “equity-based”- justice scheme to subvert our U.S. Constitution, and to silently and fraudulently steal and “redistribute the [Nation’s] wealth” accumulated in our therefore victimized “sleeping giant” federal treasury.