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Conspiracy To Silence And Enslave Only To Conceal Title VI Discriminations And Retaliations

The state’s disinterest in dealing
with "toxic masculinity" discriminations
is emphasized by 42 confirmations from
the AGO of receiving complaints. An
additional 10 letters advise that,
"[we] will not be conducting a further
review of your complaints," and that, 
"the Civil Rights Division has decided
not to further investigate."

As Emailed

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

Conspiracy To Silence And Enslave Only To Conceal Title VI Discriminations And Retaliations

While I moved the courts to grant Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., and 42 U.S.C. § 1983 injunctions, the controversy persists: the “war of attrition” works and an emerging American Gulag will silence and enslave “dangerous” whistleblowers just like the original Soviet did.

I hereby respectfully request homeless “Emergency Solutions Grant” protections that the City of Newton participates in (see my attached email chain). As my entire financial past has been meticulously filed with the Massachusetts Appeals Court, I am prepared to submit any (and all) of my financial details.