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The Federal RICO Act

On October 15, 1970, the Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. §§
1961–1968), commonly referred to as the "RICO
Act", became United States law. 

Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket”) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.

The RICO Act allowed law enforcement to charge a person or group of people with racketeering, defined as committing multiple violations of certain varieties within a ten-year period.

As Efiled

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

Docketing Statement to the U.S. Court of Appeals For the First Circuit

U.S. Supreme Court petition No. 23-6398 requests a review of the above USCA1 23-1008 appeal. The relevant question raised by the pending petition is:

  • Does sovereign immunity apply to an “LGBTQ+” Massachusetts when using federal funds to subsidize the forceful separation and activist-agenda-driven alienation of innocent American children from their loving American parents?

The deadline for responses to the SCOTUS 23-6398 petition is 1/29/2024.

The relevant “Status Affidavit On Continued Systemic Statutory Discriminations And Retaliations” submitted to SCOTUS 23-6398 on 1/26/2024 is attached.

The similarly relevant “Agenda-Driven Statutory Discriminations/Retaliations Are ‘Prisoner-Like’ Segregations” open letter and affidavit mailed to The White House on 1/26/2024 is also attached and incorporated herein.

According to the above two submissions, including the emergency SJ-2023-M014 petition filed with the SJC, the objective of this appeal is to reiterate the question:

  • Does sovereign immunity apply to an “LGBTQ+” Massachusetts when using federal funds to subsidize the forceful separation and activist-agenda-driven alienation of innocent American children from their loving American parents?

The attached “Complaint For State-Endorsed ‘Prisoner-Like’ Segregations Per 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131–12134” to U.S. Attorney Levy is a precursor for future defenses.

As Mailed

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

“Equity For All” Is Impossible By Marxist Design

Dear President Biden,

I wrote to The White House about the 2/16/2023 Executive Order over a month ago. I claimed that “as the consequences of the [order] (effectively equivalent to mandating ‘Jim Crow’-like segregation of Americans into ‘double protected with equity’ and ‘unprotected with no equity at all’ disjoint camps), the directly implied ‘American Gulag of leftovers’ can be categorized only as a hateful Clintonian-base for ‘forced deprogramming’ of masses of Americans [, similar to the Chinese Xinjiang internment camps].”

Since then, through desperate pro se and forma pauperis efforts (meaning absolutely no assistance from professionals or the government), I was able to docket my simple citizen petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court (No. 23-5932) and my new Civil RICO class action complaint against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al. with the U.S. District Court in Boston (No. 1:23-cv-12692-PBS).

For more detail see Discriminatory And Retaliatory “Unfree Labor”