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SCOTUS - Third Petition for Writ of Certiorari

The decisions I have received from the
state courts since mailing my documents
allowed me to strengthen and crystalize
the sustained and systemic controversy
I am struggling with as an able and 
capable representative of a larger group
of deliberately targeted individuals.

As Filed

  • an abbreviated and redacted copy.

Questions Presented

  1. The “Sec. 8. Affirmatively Advancing Civil Rights … to prevent and address discrimination and advance equity for all” clause of the 2/16/2023 Presidential Executive Order results in the predictable “equity for the rich or equity for the poor mother?” dilemma as “equity for all” is impossible by Marxist design. Is the mandate to selectively “advance equity” (for a select few) Constitutional?

  2. Does sovereign immunity apply to an “LGBTQ+” Massachusetts when using federal funds to subsidize the forceful separation and activist-agenda-driven alienation of innocent American children from their loving American parents?

Reasons for Granting the Writ

  • Equity-Based Justice Violates One’s Ultimate Equity
  • Equity-Based Justice Obstructs Rule 60 Fraud On The Court
  • Equity-Based Justice Applies “Double Protecting” Deception
  • Equity-Based Justice Leads To “Rich v. Poor Mother” Dilemma

Conclusion - “Dogmatic Interplay” Between Courts Is Discrimination

Father asserts that the thus deliberately induced judicial deadlock is a bona fide “war of attrition” strategy for delaying any investigations and denying Father’s desperate requests for relief from the thus retaliatory forced indigency.

Moreover, as substantiated in Father’s attached renewed Civil RICO Class Action Complaint, the war on Father, allowed by 23-1008, meets all the criteria for statutory discrimination and conspiracy to violate federal law on purpose.

Significantly, these cases are meticulously preserved generalizations of this Court’s 6/29/2023 decision regarding institutional (and governmental) efforts to infuse an ambiguous & inconsistent “social justice revolution” into our society, specifically to redistribute the vast wealth accumulated in our federal treasury.